Meet a Stakeholder: Shammari Kay

Shammari Kay

Member of the Lussier CARDS since 2016

Shammari Kay photoWhat is one thing you really like about being a member of the CARDS at Lussier?

One thing I really like about the CARDS group is the fact that the group feels more like a family rather than a group of people from the community, which makes opening up a lot easier.

What is one interesting experience or research topic we discussed at a meeting – something that stands out in your memory?

My favorite meeting would have to be the time we had a researcher who was looking at how families talk to doctors about weight. She wanted to interview families in different ethnic groups about whether things like family meal plans are a factor that should change the way they communicate. I liked that the researcher was really interested in finding out how this factor makes a difference specifically, not just looking at [the topic] generally. It was really interesting.

How has being in the CARDS affected your attitude about research?

It definitely has affected my attitude, it has made me think about research as a more open, less selfish thing. It’s all about thinking about other people’s views on things too, and the ways situations affect everyone. I’m really grateful for that because it sometimes seems empathy is limited in today’s society.

Tell us something interesting about yourself that people might be surprised to learn!

I’m a political activist. I’m not as out in the public with it as I would like to be, but that is okay. I do it by putting the knowledge in my music. The music I create isn’t in a specific sound, I don’t have a specific name for it. I’m really influenced by ’90s boom bap hip hop and rap, R&B and neo-soul.


Each month, WINRS interviews a community or patient advisor about their experiences on an advisory board or committee. Know someone on one of your advisory boards who might want to be interviewed? Email