WINRS Collaboration: Dr. Aleksandra Zgierska

WINRS teams up with Dr. Aleksandra Zgierska for her five-year PCORI grant

WINRS is collaborating with Dr. Aleksandra Zgierska, MD, PhD, of the UW-Madison Department of Family Medicine and Community Health on her five-year grant from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, “A Comparative Effectiveness Randomized Controlled Trial of Mindfulness Meditation versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Opioid-Treated Chronic Low Back Pain”. WINRS will assist Dr. Zgierska and her research team with stakeholder recruitment plans and tailored orientations for both the Patient Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) and their blended, multi-stakeholder advisory group. We will also provide ongoing coaching to sustain meaningful stakeholder engagement throughout the lifespan of the project. Consultation also includes research team meetings with the Community Advisors on Research Design and Strategies (CARDS) to get feedback on PFAC recruitment materials and the study consent form.