The CARDS are a perfect 10! The two groups of Community Advisors on Research Design and Strategies (CARDS) coordinated by WINRS just celebrated their 10th anniversary. In honor of the occasion, WINRS held Zoom parties …
stakeholder engagement
Spotlight on Engagement: Barb King
Improving ambulation during a hospital stay Lead Researcher: Barb King, PhD, RN, APRN-BC; UW-Madison School of Nursing What is the focus of your research? The focus of my research is to improve outcomes for hospitalized …
Spotlight on Engagement: Sara Fernandes-Taylor
Designing a smart phone app to improve outcomes after surgery Lead Researcher: Sara Fernandes-Taylor, PhD; Department of Surgery, UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health What is the focus of your research? Our research program …
Spotlight on Engagement: Gwen Costa Jacobsohn
Provider-patient communication in managing chronic childhood conditions Lead Researcher: Gwen Costa Jacobsohn, PhD, Primary Care Research Fellow; UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health What is the focus of your research? My research looks at …
Spotlight on Engagement: Nasia Safdar
Spreading awareness and preventing healthcare-associated infections Lead Researcher: Nasia Safdar, MD, PhD; UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health What is the focus of your research? Our team’s research agenda focuses on healthcare-associated infection (HAI) …
Spotlight on Engagement: Erin Krebs
Comparing treatment strategies for patients taking long-term opioid pain medications Lead Researcher: Erin Krebs, MD, MPH at Minneapolis VA Co-Principal Investigators: Karen Seal MD MPH at San Francisco VA, William Becker MD at West Haven …
Spotlight on Engagement: Yao Liu
Using teleophthalmology to increase diabetic eye screening rates Lead Researcher: Yao Liu MD; Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Studies What is the focus of your research? Our goal is to increase diabetic eye screening rates …
Spotlight on Engagement: Susan Pitt
Over-treatment of thyroid cancer and shared decision-making Lead Researcher: Susan C. Pitt, MD, MPHS; UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health What is the focus of your research? Our research focuses on the over-treatment of …
Spotlight on Engagement: Michelle Chui
Preventing misuse of OTC medications by older adults Lead Researcher: Michelle Chui, PharmD, PhD; UW-Madison School of Pharmacy What is the focus of your research? The goal of our current AHRQ funded research grant is …
Spotlight on Engagement: Olayinka Shiyanbola
Improving Medication Adherence Lead Researcher: Olayinka Shiyanbola, PhD, B.Pharm; UW-Madison School of Pharmacy What is the focus of your research? My research is “patient-centered”. In general, I’m interested in examining patient perceptions, attitudes and roles, …